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Evento: La gráfica, la visión del 2025 y la revisión del 2024
realizado en 18 de diciembre con inscriptos de 17 países:
México, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Nicarágua, Estados Unidos, Venezuela, C. Rica, Perú, Bolivia, Honduras, Uruguay, Guatemala, Haiti y El Salvador
Un brindis navideño:

Javier Martinez
I am an Industrial Engineer with a Master's Degree in Business Administration, who has more than 25 years of experience in the Graphic Industry and is passionate about good practices and quality in it. My career path has led me to occupy supervisory and management positions in the areas of quality assurance and production and as an Instructor for UILMAC and CANAGRAF. In 2004 he founded the company EPI Training and Consulting, a firm specialized in training and consulting in graphic arts. Since 2007, at the invitation of Novartis Pharmaceutical, he has collaborated as an exhibitor in the area of identification of counterfeit medicine packages, training various authorities in Mexico and Latin America, and I have also been an expert in printing and finishing on several occasions by the National Chamber of Industry. of Graphic Arts and Technical Expert in Printing by the Mexican Accreditation Entity, I have given conferences both in Mexico and Latin America and I have collaborated as a Jury in various quality contests of the graphic industry such as TheobaldodeNigris.

Topics that I have developed in my professional life
Graphic Arts, Finance, ISO 9000, Total Quality, Reengineering, Statistical Control of Processes, Methods and Procedures, Times and Movements, Taguchi Methodology, Manufacturing Systems, Cost Accounting, Logistics, Sales, Resources and Human Development, Administration, Quality, etc. Among the topics that have been mentioned, I will leave listed here those associated with printers or graphic designers
Color management
Offset: quality control, how to make the perfect pdf (designers)
Computer to plate: selection
Operation and optimization
Basic course of inks for offset printing,
Offset printing inks
Main adjustments and maintenance of the offset press,
Offset press settings,
Most common problems in offset printing, quality control of supplies
Densitometry and color measurement (1),
Use and optimization of densitometric functions (2) dot gain - trapping - drag - gray balance tone error
Paper and its handling in printing
Prepress basics
Introduction to graphic arts and offset
Checking a sheetfed offset press, pressures and printing unit
Techniques, materials and application of ultraviolet varnishes
Offset transfer and application - blankets and plates - types of varnishes and their compounds
Preventive maintenance of offset machines
What every designer should know about offset printing (designers)
Basic statistical tools
Statistical processes control
Stochastic screening,
Finishing and binding, importance and control of the source solution
Aboriginal printing: its prevention and control
Quoting and Costing Basics for Offset Printing
Sales basics of printing.

I propose
Promote the integral development of personnel, and consequently the development of the organization and promote and strengthen the technical knowledge necessary for the best performance of work activities, through training.
Work on quality as a premise for productivity and the achievement of good results in the graphic industry of today towards the future, allowing space for productive transformation and innovation.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.