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Evento: La gráfica, la visión del 2025 y la revisión del 2024
realizado en 18 de diciembre con inscriptos de 17 países:
México, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Nicarágua, Estados Unidos, Venezuela, C. Rica, Perú, Bolivia, Honduras, Uruguay, Guatemala, Haiti y El Salvador
Un brindis navideño:
Diana Rivera M.
I have enjoyed my career as a photographer, designer, researcher and academic, stimulating designers in various areas, photographers, publicists and architects among others in learning how to understand and use color in association with the image, understanding what it implies and entails, thus supporting the creative and productive processes that allow the development of new products and / or services.
Assuming the responsibility of promoting creativity in cohesion with the generation of reproducible results and with high quality standards, necessary elements in the professional teams that accompany the processes from their conception of an idea to the final delivery of visualization and / or printing results. How? Through the construction of project management systems that allow us to understand how color impacts the physiological, cultural and sociological behavior of human beings, but also business.
Some publications about color
"The Factors Associated with the Measurement of Intangibles Related to Color Management in the Industry" Degree Project of the Master's Degree in Technological Management,
"Relationship Between Art Direction, Visual Communication, Visual Design and Color", p.63-66
"The possibilities of Color", CESDE, Speaker at Latino CESDE 2011
"Interdisciplinarity as a Forceful Action", Newsletter
"Color is Everything and is Nothing" P&M Magazine October 2010 XXXI No. 356, p. 100 - 102
"Education in Color for an Adequate Color Management", University of Alicante, article and presentation at the National Congress of Color Alicante 2010,
"Education in Color for an Adequate Color Management and High Productivity", Speaker of the VII Academic Forum within the framework of the 9th International Image Festival,
My proposal
"It is to incorporate the Color System in the design process, the structuring of a brand and others of a company, entity or institution, thereby achieving results that can go beyond expectations, with a view to the future and continuous transformation processes , thus understanding the importance of Color Management, its value and relationship with intangibles, in the industries associated with color and especially the graphic industry, its transformation processes and interconnection with other knowledge with which it is associated, participates or interrelates to promote a process from the present to the future. "