Gracias por su participación. Mire el video del evento en nuestro canal de YouTube:
Evento: La gráfica, la visión del 2025 y la revisión del 2024
realizado en 18 de diciembre con inscriptos de 17 países:
México, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Nicarágua, Estados Unidos, Venezuela, C. Rica, Perú, Bolivia, Honduras, Uruguay, Guatemala, Haiti y El Salvador
Un brindis navideño:

Hamilton Terni, MsC.
Consultant, businessman, author and professor. Brazilian, he has been working in the graphic arts sector for more than 40 years. He is a master of administration with a focus on innovation. He was CEO of graphic companies, such as Melhoramentos from Brazil and president of Quebecor World in Mexico. He was president of ABTG - Brazilian Association of Graphic Technology and director for several years of Abigraf and Conlatingraf.
Your consultant, AN Consulting is prominent in the Latin American graphic market in strategy and business development and market research for graphic companies, graphic cameras and large international suppliers.
"Hamilton helps in the transformation of printers, in the location in new markets, in the development of products and services, in a new business approach and in the digital transformation."
- THE FUTURE OF THE GRAPHIC INDUSTRY : the challenges and opportunities of an industry undergoing major transformations.
- FROM A COMMERCIAL PRINTER TO A PACKAGING PRINTER: what is necessary to make a successful change in business
- GROWTH BY SERVICES: how to develop your business and grow in opportunities through services, beyond printing
- THE GRAPHIC: AN INDUSTRY IN TRANSFORMATION: presentation based on the author's eponymous book

- VISION FOR THE FUTURE : Under the great market trends, develop the necessary adaptations in the printing press and the construction of a plan of changes with management, technology and people.
- DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: How to adapt the press for the new digital mindset, in customer relations, in management, in sales and in production
- SERVICES, BEYOND PRINTING: how to create customer service offers, generate new invoices and add value to sales
- RESPONSIVE COMPANY: Prepare the company for the cultural change towards serving valid customers, target markets and shared vision
- CONSTRUCTION OF A DIGITAL PLATFORM: The definition of digital connections with customers, suppliers, information and business management, process management, production and logistics