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Nuevo Evento Ciglat

A ver, en Drupa
A ver, en Drupa
Sepa de las aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial y de nuevos modelos de negocio que serán mostrados en la feria Drupa 2024. Con dos de los más conceptuados consultores de América Latina: Rainer Wagner y Hamilton Terni.

El 24 de abril  

Webinar a las 14h de Costa Rica y México,

15h de Colombia,Ecuador y Perú,

16h de Venezuela y Paraguay,

17h de Brasil, Argentina y Uruguay

Ciglat is:

Captura de Tela 2021-08-23 às 22.18.06.png

A union of experts in the graphics industry with years of experience who offer technical and management advice, mentoring, training, process standardization and everything that is necessary for your success in the graphics markets of Latin America.

We understand print and workflows

So that customer colors can be printed well on all systems.

Captura de Tela 2020-05-19 às 08.03.38.png

We understand management and transformation


For companies to be agile, flexible and innovative

We understand color and standardization

To ensure fidelity and visual impact.

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